Absolute Wildfire Defense!
In wildfire defense terms, Zone Zero is your home and 5 feet beyond. Zone 0 is a critical component of structure defense and is essential to defensible space. Zone 0 is also the most costly and challenging zone to modify. It can include building permits, upgrading a roof, installing fire-safe windows, replacing ground, eve, and roof vents, cladding the structure in fire-resistant materials, changing gutters and downspouts, replacing doors, or even a complete rebuild with fire resilient construction. Even with all these modifications, the structure can still burn down in the worst case scenario.
Around 90 percent of homes consumed by wildfires happen as a result of embers flowing far beyond the actual fire perimeter. This phenomenon is well documented in the Paradise fire, Pacific Palisades, Lahaina, and many more. Ember incursion through non fire-safe vents, windows broken due to excessive heat, accumulation at the ground-wall interface, open eves, roof valleys, and ignition of roof debris, all lead to home combustion. Some vinyl gutters can further exasperate this by becoming molten rivers of fiery plastic. The majority of the remaining homes burn as a result of direct contact with fire moving through the neighborhood, or radiant heat exposure from burning adjacent structures. The Zone Zero Fire Shield solution prevents all these sources of ignition.
The first instance of a home protection fire blanket dates back to 1945. In current times, the US Fire Service uses a foil wrap solution to quickly deploy high levels of heat reflection and fire resistance to rural structures in the path of wildfires. These tests and applications are well documented.
We use fire resistant blankets certified as environmentally safe and fire effective by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), European Norms (ENs), and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). Our blankets have their roots in helping fire departments end high-temperature lipo chemical fires in electric vehicles. These blankets are rated to withstand and extinguish fires up to 3,000 degrees. Many videos of this can be seen online. We chose these blankets because they're certified, tested, proven, and used by fire services throughout the United States.
Our comprehensive fire resistant blanket protection covers every part of your structure and selected property, including attached structures, ADUs, propane tanks, and even vehicles parked in the driveway. Zone Zero Fire Shield safeguards your entire home from flames and damage, ensuring that you return to find your property safe and intact.
Contact Us
Fire insurance canceled, or about to be? Don’t want to rebuild after a wildfire? Don’t want to lose all your precious belongings and memories? Don’t want to lose expensive vehicles or inventory? Call for a free inspection and consultation on Zone Zero Fire Shield’s proven wildfire defense solution. We can only accept 100 homes in each high fire risk region, so please call today to protect your home, business and assets.
(254) 447-9579